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Preply reviews by students

Learning a language is a journey. And doing it with the right tutor by your side is what makes it an exciting one! See what our students have to say about learning on Preply.


I discovered Preply typing "Romanian online course" and since then it's been an amazing learning opportunity. The payment is safe and you're sure you're going to get your lesson as each one has to be confirmed by you as a student once it's finished. Besides confirming it, you must rate it, which makes it really trustworthy and reliable. I love my lessons and I'm sure I'm going to continue learning with Preply!


I have attempted to learn Japanese for many years in several different ways such as: self teaching, apps, other online learning programs, high school and college. But by far this has been the best. I have had more progress with my tutor on Preply than ever before. Not only is it 1-on-1 but the tutors on this website personalize your learning plan with what works best for you.


My daughter's tutor is professional and friendly. She is well prepared for the weekly lessons with my daughter and provides her with great self-learning materials as well. My daughter looks forward to seeing her tutor and taking her weekly Korean tutoring lessons.


After months trying to find a tutor nearby, I now have regular online 1-on-1 lessons on Preply at a time that is convenient to me. I have a great tutor, who created a personalized learning plan for me. The flexibility the Preply app gives is amazing. So glad I found it!


Great platform and tutor. Really enjoying my experience! I am so glad that I found Preply, as I was looking for an experience with a live tutor that would meet my needs with structure and flexibility. I am excited to get more proficient in Italian!


Finding this site has been wonderful for us. Audrey, our tutor from France, is just super. We are using the service to allow my daughter to keep her French up to pace. Audrey has been so good at helping her confidence and her skills. I can't say enough good things. The site is easy to use, the tutors answer messages very quickly. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their language skills.

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  • Is Preply legit?

    Preply is one of the leading platforms for online teaching. 100,000 students join us monthly from all around the world. All our tutors are approved and trained by our expert Tutor Success team.

  • Is Preply worth it?
  • How to pick a tutor on Preply?
  • What is a trial lesson and how much does it cost?
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